Surrounding yourself with people who lift you up is so important. But I think a lot of us tend to forget that it’s just as important to remember to lift yourself up too. Positivity is very important. Speak life over yourself and whatever situation you find yourself instead I bringing yourself down☺…Be inspired 

11 thoughts on “”

  1. You are just God sent💗I was feeling blank today because of all the wrong stuffs happening around me and I even had to postpone posting anything on my blog today to avoid the whole negativity that was hovering around me and this post just touched me and gave me answer to virtually all that was wrong💖 Thanks for this post💖💚💖

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    1. Wow! I’m glad you liked it☺…sometimes in life you, you would pass through certain rough times and rocky roads for a reason. You don’t have to feel bad or wallow in self pity, someone needs to be inspired by your life. I don’t know what the situation is, but just like Leslie brown said “rough times have not come to stay but the have come to pass, its not bad day but a character building day”. With God you will get through this sis☺ stay blessed ❤

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